A Plea to Fellow Suburbanites: Get Outside

“The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”  Psalm 19:1 The two-month stretch of May and June has always been a favorite of mine since childhood due to the fact that it was the homestretch of the school year, but it has persisted...

Here We Go Again

I have to be honest here.  As I’ve been processing what the Lord has placed on my heart to blog about for this week, I continue coming back to the word, “surrender.”  But then I brush it off.  I’ve written about that before…a few times (I...

DIY Worship

Worship at church is easy. The music, the Bible reading, everything is done for you!  But worshiping our God isn’t something reserved just for Sundays.  Let’s talk about DIY worship, or family worship.  There are few things you can do together as a family that are...