Repainting a Relatively White Ceiling

At our house we are in the process of moving two of our girls into a room together, and I am currently painting this room purple.  When it comes to painting a room, my wife and I have a difference of opinion regarding the ceiling.  If the ceiling is white, I don’t see...

Obedience as the Chocolate Cake

What pops into your mind when you think of growing in obedience to God?  Do you hunger to know Him?  If you are not a Christian, what do you think it would be like to obey Him?  To answer that question, imagine you are on a strict diet.  You haven’t been able to eat...

When Knowing What’s Right Isn’t Enough

What happens when you find yourself in a situation where what you know conflicts with what you do? In the past five years, I’ve grown to love biographies of men and women from every time period and way of life, from presidents to civil rights leaders, to athletes,...