by Mary Capalbo | Feb 6, 2019 | Blog, Community, Daily Life, Encouragement, Perseverance
What’s your earliest memory? Do you remember blowing out birthday candles when you turned 4? What about the fear or excitment you felt when you were learning to swim or ride a bike? Do you have a hazy recollection of a vacation or receiving a special gift at...
by Aaron Syvertsen | Jan 30, 2019 | Blog
As I was watching the playoff football games last weekend with a baby (and sometimes two) in hand, I couldn’t switch channels during the breaks and therefore was forced to watch the commercials and the messages either explicitly or implicitly sent through them. The...
by Andy Steen | Jan 23, 2019 | Blog, Commitment, Community, Daily Life, Heaven, Obedience, Perseverance, Spiritual Warfare
In our yard we have many squirrels. I have observed on more than one occasion that there is rarely just one squirrel on the lawn looking for acorns or trying to outwit my bird feeder. Instead, there are four or five of them out there. I have also observed predators...
by Mary Capalbo | Jan 16, 2019 | Anxiety, Blog, Faith and Fear, Sovereignty of God, Trust
It was about four months ago. Four months ago when the weather was warmer (what a wonderful memory), the sun shone longer, and I could still wear sandals without the threat of frostbite. It was four months ago when I thought I was a gonner. Well me, and our dog,...
by Mary Capalbo | Dec 5, 2018 | Blog, Christian Living, Daily Life, Discipleship, Holiday, Relationships, Sound Doctrine
Are there some people on your Christmas gift list that have just stumped you year after year? You want so badly to give them something meaningful, but have no idea where to start when it comes to picking out a gift for this person. Or, have you been hit with the,...
by Aaron Syvertsen | Nov 14, 2018 | Blog
-This week on the Grace blog, James Zilenziger is guest posting about his experiences as a volunteer peer counselor at Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center. I sat across from Nick* and Jackie* in our private counseling room and muttered a prayer in my head as our...