Giving Friday

Welcome to Wednesday.  Just . . . Wednesday.  For the past five days we have witnessed and/or participated in the ever expanding binge and purge of a peculiar American ritual. Finally after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday, it’s...

What Mashed Potatoes Taught Me

No mashed potatoes?! I was filling my plate with Thanksgiving favorites and had been saving a large spot for my favorite side dish…Mashed Potatoes. I got to the end of the kitchen counter and hadn’t seen them.  Where did I miss them?  As I scanned the...

The Global Impact of the Local Church

What does Ridgewood have to do with Rwanda?  What does New Jersey have to do with Papua New Guinea?  What does a local church have to do with the nations? We talk a lot about mission at Grace Church.  Specifically, the Christ-centered mission we are engaged in as...

Waiting Together

Waiting alone is hard. For a number of years I waited for the school bus alone.  I would make the long walk up the hill to the bus stop alone. If I was late, I was alone in being mortified that I would have to run to catch the bus in sight of all my peers.  Once when...

Anticipate Beyond the Dot

Last night most of the country spent a few hours walking around the neighborhood with a little turtle and superman running ahead (replace with appropriate costumes for your scenario) ringing doorbells and yelling the famous phrase, “Trick or Treat!” A few hours....