Welcome to our original blog! As of 2022, our current blog, Words of Grace, is hosted on Substack. We hope you are encouraged by our posts from 2017-2021.
Come as Your Are
On Sunday mornings our family tries to bring our A-game to church. Everyone has bathed within recent memory, teeth have been brushed, hair has been combed, and we’re tastefully dressed, mismatched socks notwithstanding. But our outward appearance may have little to...
Looking at Our Schedules with Fresh Eyes
It's nearly mid September, how are you doing? At this point, schools are back in session, co-workers have returned home from vacations, and weekly activities are back on the calendar. Some were ready for the Fall back in July, while others would love the Summer days...
5 Reasons Why Small Groups Are Worth It
In the next couple weeks, our church will be launching into a new season of small group ministry, or what we call “Grace Groups”. They stand at the center of our community of faith, and our group ministry plays a vital role in accomplishing the vision to make...