Obedience as the Chocolate Cake

What pops into your mind when you think of growing in obedience to God?  Do you hunger to know Him?  If you are not a Christian, what do you think it would be like to obey Him?  To answer that question, imagine you are on a strict diet.  You haven’t been able to eat...

Two Old Ideas for Church Growth

There’s no lack of new ideas when it comes to church growth. Jesus had a couple ideas himself, and we refer to them today as the sacraments.  A sacrament may sound to you like something from the middle ages, but the word simply means a visible sign of a spiritual...

The ONE Reason “Church” Began

How did this thing called “Church” get started in the first place?  Why did Jesus’ original followers start gathering together and worshipping this man, and why do Christians still do this two thousand years later?  Do Christians meet together just because...

Encouragement For Weary Pilgrims

Pilgrims don’t progress alone.  One of the primary reasons God wants us to live in community as born again believers is so that we can “exhort one another every day” (ESV) or “encourage one another daily” (NIV) (Hebrews 3:13) because our hearts “are always going...