Giving Friday

Welcome to Wednesday.  Just . . . Wednesday.  For the past five days we have witnessed and/or participated in the ever expanding binge and purge of a peculiar American ritual. Finally after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday, it’s...

Waiting Together

Waiting alone is hard. For a number of years I waited for the school bus alone.  I would make the long walk up the hill to the bus stop alone. If I was late, I was alone in being mortified that I would have to run to catch the bus in sight of all my peers.  Once when...

The Key That Set Martin Luther Free

October 31st will mark the 500th anniversary of the day that a priest named Martin Luther nailed his now famous Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Castle Church at Wittenberg. This was the spark that ignited the ecclesiastical, cultural and political explosion we...

How to Care for Your Pet Sin

All Christians wrestle with sin.  As long as we are in this body our struggle with sin remains (I John 1:8).  But there is a big difference between fighting temptation and keeping a pet sin.  A Christian’s attitude toward his or her own sin should be to hate it, to...

Praying for a Parking Spot

There’s an old joke about a guy who’s running late for an important meeting. When he pulls into the busy parking lot, there are no spots available.  “Lord,” the man prays, “if you can find me a place to park, I’ll do anything you ask!”  Miraculously, a car pulls out...